JumboPostcard.com will make your phone ring!
JumboPostcard.com doesnt sell you or your product. You do! It's important to understand that the purpose of a direct mailer like a Jumbo Postcard is to get a response, not close a sale.
JumboPostcard.com shows your customers ...
something specific ...
something they need...
something that benefits them greatly, RIGHT NOW.
JumboPostcard.com shows your customers ...
who you are ...
what you do ...
and why they need YOU right NOW!
All of that happened in ... Just Seconds for Just Pennies!!
Large and colorful postcards or self-mailers from JumboPostcard.com stand out, especially in the mail. JumboPostcard.com postcards and self-mailers arrive naked so the customer reads your offer without having to OPEN anything. They are versatile, targeted to the reader, and can be mailed in smaller quantities reducing waste.
Call 800-685-3237 or email TODAY!